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Bridgeport Public Schools Teacher Contract

Bridgeport Public Schools Teacher Contract: Understanding the Basics

The Bridgeport Public Schools Teacher Contract has been a topic of discussion among educators, administrators, and parents in the city. Negotiated between the Bridgeport Education Association (BEA) and the Bridgeport Board of Education, the contract outlines the terms and conditions of employment for teachers in the Bridgeport Public Schools. In this article, we will provide an overview of the Bridgeport Public Schools Teacher Contract and explain its key provisions.

Salary and Benefits

One of the most important provisions of the Bridgeport Public Schools Teacher Contract is the salary and benefits section. This section outlines the salary schedule for teachers based on their years of experience and education level. It also includes information about health insurance, retirement benefits, and other benefits such as tuition reimbursement.

Workload and Class Size

The contract also includes provisions related to workload and class size. It sets a maximum class size for each grade level and establishes guidelines regarding the number of hours teachers are required to work each week. The contract also includes provisions related to preparation time, professional development, and other non-teaching duties.

Evaluation and Discipline

The Bridgeport Public Schools Teacher Contract includes provisions related to evaluation and discipline. It outlines the procedures for evaluating teacher performance, including the use of student performance data, observation, and other measures. It also includes provisions related to discipline, including the process for addressing misconduct and the rights of teachers during disciplinary proceedings.

Working Conditions

The contract also includes provisions related to working conditions. It establishes guidelines for classroom facilities, instructional materials, and equipment. It also addresses issues such as teacher assignments, transfers, and layoffs.


The Bridgeport Public Schools Teacher Contract is a key document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for teachers in the Bridgeport Public Schools. It includes provisions related to salary and benefits, workload and class size, evaluation and discipline, and working conditions. Teachers, administrators, and parents should familiarize themselves with the contract to ensure they understand their rights and responsibilities under the agreement.

Bridgeport Public Schools Teacher Contract
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